Drawing the line in the sand!!!!
I am determined, now more than ever!
The line is drawn and it’s time!!!!!
Have you ever been there with something?
I am there for several things.
Being in my mid 40’s, I am realizing more and more that life moves fast! 😳
Experiencing these things can be hard like:
Aging Parents
Loss of friends
Health Scares
This Crazy World 🤪
Body/Vision changes
Aging ourselves
I am realizing more and more to that:
Having a Deeper Relationship with my ABBA Father is a MUST not an option
Eat Healthier and take better care of my Health is a MUST not an option
Exercising is a MUST not an option
Spending more time with Family and Friends and telling them I love and care for them is a MUST not an option
Getting Annual check ups is a MUST not an option
Living like there’s no tomorrow is a MUST not an option
Getting out of debt is a MUST not an option
Life is short, There’s no replay, no rewind, so Dance. Sing. Laugh and embrace every waking moment. Enjoy Today, Yesterday is gone and Tomorrow may never come.
Checking off the Bucket List is a MUST not an option 😜😘💪